Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Extra help needed for our July Market (Services and Volunteers)

On July 5th, we celebrate our 2nd year anniversary. 

Our anniversary market is still almost two months away, but we think that in the summer it is better to schedule ahead. During the summer, there is so much going on in Toronto that if we don't find potential contributors now, by the time of the event their schedules will be filled up.

We're hoping to have extra events on our anniversary market. We would like to have more free services like the legal advice desk we've had the last two months. We've already received some interesting suggestions from our ongoing Really Really Free Market Survey (1) & (2). If you have any free services to offer, please let us know as soon as you can so we can include them in our newsletter and promotional material.

Most of all, we need more volunteers than usual. If you volunteer at the market, you can still pick up what you wish. Here are some of the things we will need help with:

  • Setting up the market (If in the park, carrying tables, signs etc. to the park.)
  • Greeting people and explaining how the market works
  • Handing out information about the market
  • Asking whether people would like to sign up for our newsletter or to volunteer
  • Helping people put their stuff on the marked tables
  • Keeping all the tables, racks, and other display areas tidy
  • Separating broken, torn, rotten, grimy, and smelly items from the nice ones (Yes, sometimes people still bring those things--they probably don't read our announcements)
  • Photography/video
  • Taking down the market, and return Campbell Park stuff to the Clubhouse
  • Boxing and bagging leftovers (but not broken, torn, dirty and smelly things)
  • Take those bags and boxes to charities (by foot, bicycle, or motor vehicle  -- we often need a motor vehicle)

In addition to the above, we also need help with pre-market activities, such as publicity, facebook, twitter, blogging, newsletter, volunteer coordinating, answering e-mail inquiries, organizing monthly meetings, finding nearby charities to donate leftovers, coordinating drop-offs to charities, networking, taking and publishing meeting minutes,and so on.

Write us to volunteer for any of our markets, including the upcoming June 7th market.

Scenes from our May Market:

  Photos by Sidney Anson Leyva and Suzan Poyraz

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